Fostering curiosity in kids (and their parents) since 2011

“What do I have to do to get a job in government?”

Caterpickles archives clean-out continues this week, with a seven-year-old conversation in which my daughter asks whether one day she could make money making money.

Mommyo: “Why do you ask?”

The Five-Year-Old: “I want to make money.”

Mommyo: “Well, you’ll need to go to college, work hard, and study.”

The Five-Year-Old: “But I already know how to draw the pictures.”

Mommyo: “What pictures?”

The Five-Year-Old, impatiently: “On the money. I just don’t know how they make so many copies of it.”

Mommyo: “Oh. You mean you actually want to make money.”

The Five-Year-Old: “Yes.”

Mommyo: “So what you really want to know is how do you get a job at the federal mint?”

The Five-Year-Old: “Oh, is that where they make the money?”

Turns out the U.S. Mint hires people from all sorts of backgrounds

Admittedly, I mostly wrote this conversation down because I was in the habit of posting funny things my daughter said on the blog on Saturday mornings at the time, so was always looking for new material. But, in case you’d like to know too, the U.S. Mint employs people with a wide range of backgrounds and a wide variety of skills.

It turns out you don’t have to be an artist to help manufacture official U.S. currency. According the U.S. Mint’s website, chemists, information technology specialists, financial managers, mechanics, machinists, marketers, sales people, security officers, and human resource professionals all have plenty of work to do when it comes to creating and securing the currency that keeps our economic engine humming.

Learn more at the Careers at the United States Mint website.

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2 Responses to ““What do I have to do to get a job in government?””

  1. Fred Rayworth

    Well, an easy way to get a guv’mint job is join the military first. If you can stand four years and serve honorably, and stay out of the “bad place,” take your pick of which one, you get that veteran’s preference. Plus you might just learn a useful skill you can use in the civilian world. Certainly not guaranteed, but you have a step up because you develop a certain discipline civilians don’t normally get. Not for everyone, but a thought.


    • Shala Howell

      My dad certainly got a good start in life through the military, so yes, this is a good thought. I’ll pass it on to my daughter. Thank you!



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