Fostering curiosity in kids (and their parents) since 2011

Wordless Wednesday: My blog might be taking over my life

For Mother’s Day, The Six-Year-Old, Daddyo, and I traipsed down to Harvard Square for a little sight-seeing and shopping. Of course, we popped into the Harvard Coop. Doesn’t everybody?

While we were there, The Six-Year-Old wanted to try on “one of those fancy Harvard hats.” She looked so cute in it, naturally I asked her to pose for a picture.

So she did.

The Six-Year-Old wearing a very fancy Harvard hat. (Photo: Shala Howell)

The Six-Year-Old wearing a very fancy Harvard hat. (Photo: Shala Howell)

Thanks to Caterpickles, I may never be able to get a picture with my daughter’s face in it again. My Fifty-Year-Old self is probably going to be pretty mad about that.

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What’s Wordless Wednesday?

Recently I discovered Wordless Wednesdays through the blog, 5 Minutes for Mom. Basically, on Wednesdays all around the Internet, bloggers post their favorite photos, ideally without any words to accompany them, but often with 1-2 sentences of context. Iā€™m not a photo-blogger. Iā€™m more of a word girl, so I thought Wordless Wednesday would be fun.

7 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: My blog might be taking over my life”

  1. TaMara

    I have a couple who give me a hard time about getting their picture. I think I’ve taken 37,000 pictures of the top or back of my oldest daughter’s head as she tries to avoid getting her picture taken. My son just refuses to smile. Hopefully you’ll get some pictures with your little one’s face soon. šŸ™‚

    Thanks for linking up over at Tales of a Pee Dee Mama


  2. Kate's Bookshelf

    Which is why I am a firm believer in two pictures of every object, thank goodness for digital cameras. You need personal shots, then blog shots. šŸ™‚ And tell the Six Year Old that I love her all white bohemian outfit! So cute with those sandals and well, the hat just makes the outfit perfect.



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