Fostering curiosity in kids (and their parents) since 2011

Decluttering reaches fever pitch

The Five-Year-Old and Gran hard at work decluttering the bookshelves. (Photo: Shala Howell)

The Five-Year-Old and Gran hard at work decluttering the bookshelves. (Photo: Shala Howell)

This year, I am determined to travel more lightly. I’m cleaning out every nook in our house, getting rid of the little extras that make dusting a 12 hour project. Three porch-sized donations later, I’ve got a fully functional kitchen and absolute chaos everywhere else.

I need my house back.

Mommyo, sadly: “We’ve got stuff everywhere.”

The Five-Year-Old, brightly: “No we don’t. Look at the ceiling. That’s not stuff.”

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7 Responses to “Decluttering reaches fever pitch”

  1. Mary Gilmartin

    Not sure what the word clutter means when you have clean up and then can’t find something. So, I’ve come to the conclusion just to keep it somewhat organized and leave those stacks of paper alone. But, again it’s that time of year for Spring cleaning.


    • Shala Howell

      I know. Decluttering during tax season is particularly dangerous in that regard. Must proceed carefully. Thanks for stopping by and staying awhile.



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