Fostering curiosity in kids (and their parents) since 2011

“Do mice have eyebrows?”

My amigurumi mouse. Eyebrowless, of course.

This week I discovered Amigurumi, the art of knitting and/or crocheting small stuffed animals. The Four-Year-Old is highly enthusiastic about this art, as this latest pursuit promises to pad her collection of toys very nicely.

While putting the finishing touches on my first mouse (shown at the left), the residents of Caterpickles Central got into a heated debate on the subject of eyebrows. Specifically, whether or not my mouse needed them.

The evidence of Mickey Mouse is ambivalent at best. Mickey was eyebrowless in the 1928 animated short Steamboat Willie, given eyebrows for a brief period in the fifties (the Mickey in the green cap below), only to have them taken away again for the most recent crop of cartoons. That said, apparently the Mickey Mice running around Disneyland still sport them. See what I mean?

Dr. Google, unfortunately, did not have a definitive answer either on the question of whether mice have eyebrows. But he was able to conjure up hundreds of images of mice, including this batch of little fluorescent green ones (will scientists ever tire of creating glowing green mammals?)

And after looking at all those pictures, I feel fairly confident when I say… No. Mice do not have eyebrows, although every once in a while you will find one with a suggestive tuft.

Fun fact: Although mice do not have eyebrows, fashionable folk in the good old days of the late 18th century used to shave off their own eyebrows in favor of sporting ones made from mouse skin. Thanks, Dr. Google. I’m not sure I could have survived another day without knowing that.

4 Responses to ““Do mice have eyebrows?””

  1. Disney Epic Mickey

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